About us

The formation of the Pobeskydí LAG in 2004 was not a random act but a natural consequence of processes that were started as early as during the second half od the 1990s. The joining of the Czech Republic to the EU and resulting opportunities for supporting rural development in programmes based on LEADER-type initatives was an extraordinary impulse for the creation of a functional network of closely co-operating entities. The founder members comprised twelve organizations - voluntary associations of municipalities, private business entities and non-governmental non-profit organizations. The Pobeskydí LAG succeeded in all annouced LEADER programmes in the period from 2004 to 2013, and it supported projects focused on the utilization of renewable energy sources, development of local community and culture, agroculture and tourism. The Pobeskydí LAG is not engaged only in the implementation of LEADER-type projects but it also devotes itself to lecture and publication activities commercial activities (consultancy in the sphere of rural development) etc. Since 2008 it is member of the National Network of the Local Action Groups in the Czech Republic.

The territory in the sphere of activity of the Pobeskydí LAG consists of the mountaing massif of Beskydy, and a peripheral part of the Ostravian basin and transitional areas of uplands and highlands. In consests of the basin areas of the rivers Ondřejnice, Morávka, Stonávka and Lučina. The territory covers an area of 862 km2, includes 43 municipalities with more than 67,500 inhabitants living in them. The development opportunities of this territory include traditional agricultural production, natural and historical monuments, potential of tourism and initiative of municipal self-goverments. A lack of funds and a related insufficient level of social, transport and technical infrastructure, unsuitable employment structure and selective migration are a long-term problem.